Treat your MENTAL HEALTH and regain control of your life.

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MENTAL HEALTH treatment for the rest of us.

Affordable, discreet mental health treatment from the comfort of your own home.


Start your path to attentiveness here with DocADHD.

  • Take our free assessment by calling 1-833-DOC-ADHD

  • Fill out required orms. Once complete, you will be given a patient login to begin your subscription.

  • Start your subscription, it’s only $49/monthly, with no fees. Ever.

  • Your provider will reach out to start treatment! Simple, right?


At DocADHD, we believe that anyone who needs MENTAL HEALTH treatment should be able to afford it.  Because of this, we offer services to our patients at a fixed rate of $49.99/month.  No co-pays, no insurance claims, and no initiation fees.  Just reliable MENTAL HEALTH care, at a price you can afford.

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